Showing 476 - 500 of 628 Results
The Provok'd Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy. by Sir John Vanbrugh & C. Cibber, E... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781379739425 List Price: $23.95
The Provok'd Wife. a Comedy, by Sir John Vanbrugh. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drur... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379752912 List Price: $21.95
The Provok'd Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy, as Written by Sir John Vanbrugh, an... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781379747611 List Price: $22.95
The City Wives Confederacy. a Comedy, as Written by Sir John Vanbrugh. ... as Performed at t... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379745563 List Price: $21.95
The Relapse; Or, Virtue in Danger, a Comedy. Being the Sequel of the Fool in Fashion. Writte... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379768319 List Price: $21.95
The Mistake. a Comedy. by Sir John Vanbrugh. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Perfo... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379776444 List Price: $21.95
Plays Written by Sir John Vanbrugh. in Two Volumes. Vol.I. Containing the Relapse; ... the P... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379794745 List Price: $27.95
Plays Written by Sir John Vanbrugh. in Two Volumes. Vol.I. Containing the Relapse; ... the P... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379794752 List Price: $26.95
The City Wives Confederacy. a Comedy. as It Is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379788966 List Price: $19.95
The Provoked Husband. or a Journey to London. a Comedy. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh and Mr.... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781379789338 List Price: $21.95
The Provok'd Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy. as It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781379789475 List Price: $22.95
The Provok'd Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy. as It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379826200 List Price: $22.95
The Mistake. a Comedy. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379882176 List Price: $21.95
The Pilgrim. a Comedy. in Five Acts. Written Originally by Fletcher. Afterwards Altered by D... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379882039 List Price: $21.95
The Relapse; Or, Virtue in Danger: Being the Sequel of the Fool in Fashion, a Comedy, Acted ... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379876250 List Price: $21.95
The Provok'd Wife: A Comedy. Written by Mr. Vanbrug by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379871972 List Price: $22.95
Æsop. a Comedy. with the Addition of a Second Part. Written by Mr. Vanbrug [sic] by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781379871989 List Price: $22.95
The Provok'd Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy, Written by the Late Sir John Vanbru... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781385165867 List Price: $22.95
The Provok'd Husband, or a Journey to London. a Comedy. as It Is Performed at the Theatres-R... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781385156728 List Price: $21.95
The Relapse; Or, Virtue in Danger: Being the Sequel of the Fool in Fashion. a Comedy Written... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781385103258 List Price: $22.95
The City Wives Confederacy: A Comedy. as It Is Acted at the Theatres. Written by Sir John Va... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781385125861 List Price: $21.95
A Journey to London. Being Part of a Comedy Written by the Late Sir John Vanbrugh, Knt. and ... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781385208496 List Price: $21.95
The City Wives' Confederacy. a Comedy, by Sir John Vanbrugh. Adapted for Theatrical Represen... by Vanbrugh, John, John Vanbrugh ISBN: 9781385281581 List Price: $22.95
The Provoked Husband; Or, a Journey to London. a Comedy, Written by Sir John Vanbrugh and Mr... by Cibber, Colley, Colley Cibber ISBN: 9781385298985 List Price: $21.95
La Maison Rustique: Or, the Country House. a Farce. as It Acted [sic] Ou [sic] All Our Theat... by Dancourt, M., M Dancourt ISBN: 9781385300411 List Price: $19.95
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